“Every road is the ‘right’ one if you take the Detour moments in life and make it part of the journey. Conversations with fellow travelers who have had a Detour moment in life as well as those who love to create adventure through travel. Heartfelt lessons on the Human Journey mixed with practical advice for touring the world. One Part Human Experience, One Part Travel Experience. Take the Detour...Enjoy the Wander!

Monday Nov 30, 2020
Rebecca & Beth | Hope Reunited: An Adoption Story 27 years in the Making
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Monday Nov 30, 2020
In her freshman year of college, Beth Cole found herself in a detour situation that would change her life forever. Fast-forward 27 years later, in the middle of a pandemic, Beth receives a call that the baby she had given up for adoption was searching for her. Through the help of DiscoverFamily.net, Beth and her daughter Rebecca were reunited first by phone and then in person, and Beth learned some even more amazing news! I know you will enjoy listening to this uplifting story of love, hope, and joyful reunion during a time that has been full of separation. Be sure to share this episode and Beth's website www.hopereunited.com with anyone who may be pregnant and considering adoption, anyone who is searching for a adoptee or birth parent, or with a parent who chose adoption and needs support. Beth and Rebecca wish to encourage those who find themselves in a similar situation.

Monday Nov 16, 2020
Lea | I Did Not Miss The Boat
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Lea Tran is a dynamic speaker who experienced a harrowing journey of escaping Vietnamese communists to seek freedom in the late 70's. At just 16, Lea, her parents and siblings boarded a boat in hopes of a better life. After being raided by pirates 4 times and floating directionless with a broken engine and no food or water, the "boat people of Vietnam" were rescued in an amazing way.
For many decades, Lea struggled to find her voice and after 40 years, she shared her story on the TEDx stage, and now in her book "I Did Not Miss the Boat- Memoir of a Vietnam-Hoa Refugee".
Through her passages, Lea learned that no matter how difficult your challenges or how dire your situation seems, you have the power to navigate your way through by embracing the unexpected change. If you ride with the wave instead of against the wave, you will find opportunity among the adversity.
Lea’s message is to inspire people to find the strength to transform themselves, to step out of the shadow of fear or regret to live a life of freedom, passion, and purpose.
You can purchase her memoir on Amazon or on her website: www.LeaTran.com
*November 2020 website only special* Buy 2 books for friends, get 3rd autographed book for FREE
Lea is available to book as a inspirational & motivational speaker for events.
To connect with Lea:
FB page- @LeaTran Author
FB Private group - @Dont miss Your Boat
LinkedIn - @LeaTranAuthor
Instagram - @IDidNotMisstheBoat
Youtube - Look for Lea Tran

Monday Nov 02, 2020
Gatton | More The Same Than Different
Monday Nov 02, 2020
Monday Nov 02, 2020
You're going to want to remember this name because in the very near future I predict you'll be saying " I heard him when..." This talented, heart-centered young man is going to make a huge impact in the world! I can see his name in lights.
Wise beyond his 22 years, Gatton is a singer, songwriter, artist, and creative director who is on a mission through his various art form to remind the world that we are "More the Same than Different".
He has recently had a huge accomplishment with two of his songs hitting 1 million downloads and he tells us about that, but it's almost a side note to the messages of love, diversity, self-reflection and healing that he wishes to encourage us with.
True to his Enneagram 4ness, we go deep, profound, up and down in our conversation, but I think you'll be as impressed as I was and happy that the world has young people like Gatton stepping up in this next generation of leaders.
Download his music on Spotify @Gatton
Follow @Gatton on IG, FB and Youtube as well to see videos, pictures and musings.

Monday Oct 19, 2020
Debbie W. | I Love Jesus and My Gay Son
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Debbie is a Christian mom of 4 boys. She grew up with a Christian Family, went to Christian school, married a Christian man and even won an award for Best Christian Testimony, three times! She and her husband were involved in ministry and they turned to the Bible and pointed their children to God for everything. Her life and their children's lives were in service to God and His Church, and then everything she believed and trusted was tested after a tear-filled confession by her son that he was gay.
This confession took Debbie on a journey of research, rejection, righteousness, religion and responsibility.
What does the Bible say about homosexuals?
Should she turn her son away?
Where was the support system of the Church?
What did any of this mean to God?
What was Debbie's responsibility to her child, her God and His People?
Join Debbie and Sheila on an emotional and challenging conversation as we hear Debbie's experience and wrestle with all those questions.
They say you aren't supposed to talk about Sex, Religion and Politics or you are sure to step on some toes. Well, at least we left out politics.
To reach out to Debbie, email us at tinyshinyblessings@yahoo.com and we will connect you.

Monday Oct 05, 2020
Stephanie | Author of Empty Spaces
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Monday Oct 05, 2020

Monday Sep 21, 2020
Sandy | Havana
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Virtual Travel Stop in...Havana, Cuba!
Our guest Sandy tells us about her visit to Havana as a port of call during her belly dancing cruise. Lots of adventures ensue as we learn about the world famous Tropicana Night Club, the sights and sounds of Havana and the Cuban culture.
Grab your mojitos & virtually travel with us to Havana!

Monday Sep 07, 2020
Lisa | California
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Another Virtual travel destination as we vacation with Lisa and her family through California.
Enjoy this chat and let your mind wander & senses imagine a road trip that...
Tastes like warm tortillas & delicious wine
Feels surprisingly cool & not humid
Smells like a walk through magnificent forests
Sounds like the ding of trolley bell
Looks like celebrity sightings
Take the Detour and Enjoy the Wander as Lisa fills us in on the sights and delights of traveling from San Diego to San Francisco California with her husband and 3 children.

Monday Aug 24, 2020
Luanne | Buenos Aires Argentina
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Our passports are on the shelf right now so let's do some Virtual Travelling!
Our first stop is Buenos Aires, Argentina with our guest Luanne!
Let your imagination explore as we chat about the sights to see, culture, people, food & more.
Here's some hints to get your senses intrigued
It tastes like Steak & red wine,
smells like pastries,
looks bright and colorful
sounds like tango music
and feels like Take Your Time, Amigo!

Monday May 18, 2020
Debbie | Our Journey with Guillian- Barre Syndrome
Monday May 18, 2020
Monday May 18, 2020
Debbie Franek, and her husband Andy, were very intentional in raising their 3 children. They made great effort to follow healthy habits, have great nutrition, use holistic healing & natural products, instill an appetite for learning, a strong faith and to be in service to others. When their youngest son Andrew moved out of state to pursue a career in firefighting, they felt they had given him the best foundation of health that they could. Then Andrew got sick his first week on the job, but they all thought his healthy immune system (along with some meds) would help, him get well quickly. Instead, Andrew/s immune system began to attack his body, affect his nervous system and actually paralyze it through a rare illness called Guillain- Barre Syndrome (GBS).
Debbie walks us through this journey from the first worried call, the 10 hour trip from FL to TN, the weeks long hospital stay, the isolation and horror of watching her son deteriorate from GBS to the point of being ventilated and her reaction the night Andrew coded. She shares what it was like to be on this journey with her child as they literally fought beside him for his life and future. All great journeys teach something along the way and she shares all that she learned and experienced from her perspective.
There is so much more to Andrews story! So many incredible details that were not mentioned in the interview as well as Andrew's own words in this Youtube video of Andrew's Story :Guillain-Barre Syndrome at https://youtu.be/VWvrHhs2jps
Debbie Franek is a certified aromatherapist, yoga teacher, birth doula, Reiki healer, and trapped emotions release facilitator. She would love to connect with listeners through Facebook (just search her name) to talk about GBS or any of the other things mentioned in the episode.

Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tammy |Suicide Prevention and Education through the Bobby White Foundation
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
It's a word that has a stigma.
It's a word that's hard to say and talk about.
But, for those who have been affected by it, it's a word that's even harder to live with, and that's why Tammy White has a mission. Through the Bobby White Foundation, she and her volunteers hope to change the stigma...open the dialogue... educate the community...to hopefully prevent a suicide. And for those that are left behind when it can't be prevented, she wants to offer help from someone who, sadly, gets it.
According to experts, it is really important to care for our mental health all the time but especially during this pandemic. Suicide rates are up and when 1 suicide can affect on an average 137 other people, that makes it is a community crisis.
In this episode you will hear...
- Tammy's story of why she created the foundation
- What local communities may be missing in services for those affected
- The Purple Folder Program
- Why we need to think differently about "mental health"
- Staggering statistics related to suicide including what makes people 400 TIMES more likely to attempt or die by suicide
- 4 things that can help reduce completed suicides or prevent suicide attempts
- How the Bobby White Foundation is helping the local community and how YOU can help the foundation in it's efforts
If you or someone you know are struggling, call 1-800-273-TALK(8255) Or Text TALK to 741741
For more info & resources, please visit the Bobby White Foundation Facebook Page and the website at www.BobbyWhiteFoundation.org
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Consider designating The Bobby White Foundation to receive donations when you shop through smile.Amazon.com